Bedworks is on a Mission
Mattresses are the most common items put out for council collections and around 1.25 million mattresses end up in landfill in Australia each year - this places a massive strain on the environment. As an environmentally and socially responsible business we have made a commitment to make a difference, and have teamed up with Mission Australia’s social enterprise aimed at protecting the environment and creating green jobs for disadvantaged and long-term unemployed people.
How does it Work?
Mission Australia’s mattress recycling initiative diverts waste mattresses from landfill and recovers their components for reuse. At the same time they provide employment opportunities for people who experience barriers to entering the job market, protect the environment by salvaging metal, foam and timber that would end up in landfill and support the local community.
Ever Wonder What Happens to your Old Mattress?
The average mattress contains 12.5kg of steel, 2kg of wood and 1.5kg of foam – previously it would end up contributing to thousands of tonnes of waste from landfill each year, but now each component is recycled and reused. The steel springs are sold to scrap metal, the foam is used for carpet underlay, the husk is used for weed matting and mulch, the felt pads and fabric are used to make boxing bags and the timber is made into kindling, mulch and animal bedding,
How Much of a Difference Does this Make?
With thousands of tonnes of waste from landfill diverted annually the difference is enormous. Every 10 tonne of materials is equivalent to providing enough electricity to annually power 14.5 households and save enough water to fill 3.5 average backyard pools. Whilst providing access to sustainable employment and training can result in improved economic wellbeing, better social, physical and mental health and a range of outcomes that help build a safe and productive community.
We are proud to contribute to the amazing work Mission Australia is doing in helping the environment and the community. For further information about how you can help recycle your mattress contact us or check out https://www.softlanding.com.au/